Translation missing: pt-PT.minicart.general.title


Translation missing: pt-PT.minicart.general.empty

Translation missing: pt-PT.minicart.general.shop_now
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170rd AK47 Mid-Cap magazine [Fuxing]


Very well made magazines for [AK47, AKM](,j-g-works/70715,ak47-akm-ak74) series replicas. From the well-known Chinese manufacturer Fuxing, which offers high-quality magazines at a competitive price. They are compatible with electric replicas of...

170rd G36 Mid-Cap magazine [Fuxing]


Very well made magazines for [G36 series replicas](,j-g-works/0,cyma/69849,g36). From the well-known Chinese manufacturer Fuxing, which offers high-quality magazines at a competitive price. They are compatible with electric replicas of well-known...

95rd MP5 Mid-Cap magazine [Fuxing]


Very well made magazines for [MP5 series replicas](,j-g-works/0,cyma/0,cyma-platinum/0,classic-army/69848,mp5). From the well-known Chinese manufacturer Fuxing, which offers high-quality magazines at a competitive price. They are compatible with electric replicas of well-known...